While I was weeding the garlic and onion beds the yesterday ("weeding" means pulling ash tree seedlings for the most part), I decided that the yarrow had gotten OUT.OF.CONTROL. I know it's a beneficial and I like it well enough, but when it jumps the border of the bed and becomes insidious inside and hides my carrots from view, well, it's time for some yarrow-taming. I pulled clump after clump, unintentionally dislodging a few intentional plants -- the almost-ready-for-harvest onions and volunteer potatoes pictured above, as well as about a dozen baby carrots that were quickly devoured by one to-remain-nameless 4.8333333-year old....
I couldn't let those sweet little onions go to waste and as I already had a few in the crisper drawer (from the CSA box) I decided to make onion powder! I thinly sliced the onions and put them in the dehydrator.
Today Alex and I pulverized them into some yummy smelling sweet onion powder!
Next on the agenda: buy some raw cream to sour, mix up some fresh onion dip, fry some potato chips....