This is the story of our adventures -- every day and extraordinary; our dreams -- tiny and grand; our gardens -- ornamental and sustaining; this is the story of our journey.  We are a family of four living a mindful, simple life here in Los Angeles County.  We are green, conscious, and forward thinking.  We keep an eye on the past because some of the best things have already been done and bear repeating.  Walk and talk with us, have a glass of wine, taste a peach or a tomato, blow some bubbles and watch them drift up over the canyon ridge.  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A peace parade

I'm sure a lot of you went to a Memorial Day parade.  We did too, sort of.  As we do every year, we went to the Topanga Days Peace Parade.  Since I think some of my readers may have never seen a peace parade -- one without  gun-toting Marines and symbolic canons -- I thought I'd show what one looks like -- just a small town parade celebrating community and a call for peace.  Before anyone gets up in arms at my "lack of patriotism," let me declare:  I believe, with all my heart and soul and being that it is possible to honor those who have served, to offer memorial for those who have died, to pray for those currently serving, while still believing that war is not the answer.  We may be a bunch of hippy freaks, but we have a unicorn!

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