This is the story of our adventures -- every day and extraordinary; our dreams -- tiny and grand; our gardens -- ornamental and sustaining; this is the story of our journey.  We are a family of four living a mindful, simple life here in Los Angeles County.  We are green, conscious, and forward thinking.  We keep an eye on the past because some of the best things have already been done and bear repeating.  Walk and talk with us, have a glass of wine, taste a peach or a tomato, blow some bubbles and watch them drift up over the canyon ridge.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Gregorie Ann's birthday is next week

I asked Greggie what she wanted for her birthday. "Sleeping Beauty pajamas , a yellow Little Pony , and snow [in SoCal in July]." I guess she got the snow idea because on Alex's birthday we were at the cabin, and it snowed... Alex told her, "Mama and I are going to get dressed and go to the store and buy your presents. But you have to stay here because they are special surprise presents!" Greggie twirled as she descended the three steps from the kitchen to living room, hands over head, and said, "Let's just use magic to make my presents!" Well, for the snow....


Erin said...

I heart Greggie!

Marlyn said...

The next day she woke up and said, "For my birthday I want Daddy to build me a swing. And a pink boat for my pony. So my pony can go in the water. And in the snow."

And today she dropped a Lenox cat (knickknack thing I had a in a drawer that she found and thought was a toy). After she got over being upset that she broke my cat, she said, "Can I get a new catty for my birthday?"