This is the story of our adventures -- every day and extraordinary; our dreams -- tiny and grand; our gardens -- ornamental and sustaining; this is the story of our journey.  We are a family of four living a mindful, simple life here in Los Angeles County.  We are green, conscious, and forward thinking.  We keep an eye on the past because some of the best things have already been done and bear repeating.  Walk and talk with us, have a glass of wine, taste a peach or a tomato, blow some bubbles and watch them drift up over the canyon ridge.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Harvest New Moon?

June 1, 2011, new moon, in the sign of Gemini.  Various tribes around the globe and throughout history would describe this lunar phase as falling between the Flower Moon and the Strawberry Moon (Algonquin) or between the Milk Moon and the Flower Moon (English) or the Hare's Moon and the Honey Moon.  Regardless, nobody called it the Harvest Moon!  And it's obviously not the time for pumpkins and big turkey dinners but here in SoCal at least, harvesting is an almost year 'round thing.  So between my own garden and my CSA goodies, I've been amply busy with the art of putting up!

I already discussed (or shared pictures of) my garlic harvest below.  It's still sitting in a big pile outside, waiting to be braided.  Waiting because I have been busy.   First I did aprium halves in light syrup.  I did some plain, and a few with fresh mint and a few with fresh dill:

Then I made some aprium/honey jam.  And finally today I finished up 10 pounds of pitted cherries in extra light syrup (I used raw cane sugar for most but tried a few in a honey syrup):

And I still have this very large salad bowl full of ripe stone fruit in my refrigerator!

Meanwhile, I also pulled the onions:

Which opened up the long, sunny bed for the tomatoes (I don't have a picture of those planted but I put about 30 plants in this bed now):

The row of carrots in front is maturing and slowly being harvested and I am putting new seeds in tomorrow.  I think we'll also put some marigolds in among the yarrow border.

Spring into Summer, Hare to Honey, Flower to Strawberry...


rae ann said...

man, i wanna live with you. so... question: what are you gonna do with all of the onions and garlic? how do you store those until you need them? this might be a ridiculous question, but i really have no idea.... haha!

beautiful yard, by the way....

jenni said...

As if Cali could call any louder--

Oh wait--- it does :) love your yard and all you do with it!!!

Kinda Like a Chef said...

Rae Ann, she's drying the garlic and onions so they will keep like the ones you buy in the store. They should last her a good while so she can use them for cooking all that fun stuff. :) I wish I had all her onions!

Marlyn, I missed this post earlier, your canning pics are so pretty! Can't wait to try the ones you gave me!